Dan Clark Audio
Explore Dan Clark Audio
MrSpeakers, now Dan Clark Audio is a line of headphones that have been getting rave reviews. They make high value planar phones (also the new fantastic electrostatic Voce) that are exactly what we like to sell at underwood Hifi. These phones compete with far more expensive products and offer superb value.Their first phone, the Ether, received exceptional press and the new Aeon Flow, open and closed back phones at only $799.00 are the best value phones we have heard.
When they discontinued their original Alpha and Mad Dog headphones, MrSpeakers promised to deliver a variety of headphones to meet many needs and budgets. Their first phones, the ETHER and ETHER Flow phones collectively won more than 20 awards for performance and design.
Their latest in-house designed headphone, AEON packs all the technology of ETHER Flow headphones into a compact, comfortable and cost-effective design, delivering the best of ETHER Flow sound quality at a dramatically more affordable price point. And the new Ether 2 again is setting a new standard in high end headphone performance.
And they’re still designed and built in San Diego, California.
Voce Electrostatic headphones